
当前所在位置: 首页 » 新闻动态 » SEO设置 » 提交搜索引擎收录 » 谷歌(google)显示您的网站可能被黑客入侵了“This site may be hacked”,如何处理呢?

谷歌(google)显示您的网站可能被黑客入侵了“This site may be hacked”,如何处理呢?

浏览数量: 19     作者: 本站编辑     发布时间: 2019-05-10      来源: 本站



The "This site may be hacked" notification won't be removed until the webmaster of the site takes action.
Try these steps to fix your website:
1、Register and verify your site in Google’s  Search Console.
2、Sign in to  Search Console and check the "Security Issues" section to see details of sample URLs that might be hacked. Fix the security issue that allowed your website to be infected. Otherwise, your site is likely to be reinfected.
3、Read our  resources for hacked sites for detailed information on how to fix your website.
4、Request a review in the Security Issues section in Search Console when your entire website is clean and secure. After we check that your site is fixed, we'll remove the "This site may be hacked" message.

谷歌google对应的帮助信息 https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/190597?hl=en

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